Morning cycle to work, light breeze, slightly overcast but perfect weather for cycling. Not too hot, not too cold. Good run in and made it in plenty of time for an 8am kick off. 50 minutes, averaging around 24km/h, so good time and I'm pleased with the training so far.
Rain clouds rolled in this afternoon, getting darker and darker and feeling more like a winter's afternoon. Then I noticed the sheets of rain start to drift across the city scape. Yes, it's Summer in London.
Left work at half five and it was raining. An hour later, it was still raining. Soaked, but happy, I parked my bike in the garage and deposited my kit in the wet room. Hopefully it's dry tomorrow as I'd like to get out for a longer training ride early doors.
That's 3 commutes this week for 120km; happy with that as my times are starting to average out at around 52 minutes.
If you haven't done so already, drop by my fund raising link in the next panel to sponsor me.
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