Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday morning - easy like

Cool, but warm and no breeze; perfect weather for cycling.  Did 50km today in just under 2 hours, even though I took a wrong turn and ended up about 10 km east of where I thought I was going!  At least I was doing an out-and-back circuit and not looking to meet someone in a given place.

Mad moment as I went under a railway bridge and past a large set of buildings thinking "I really don't recall any of this last time I was out here".  When I checked out the map at home, I discovered a large set of lakes running parallel with my route, some of them look quite nice plus there's a couple of boat clubs.  Will check these out in the car another time.

Definitely need to invest in another handle bar holder for the Blackberry.  At least when I'm doing the charity run I'll be with 30 others and someone is bound to know where we're going - that and the marked trail might keep me on the right path.

I've been cycling regularly for three months now and don't feel daunted at the prospect of spending 5 hours a day on my bike.  Commuting is easier, I'm able to keep in the low 30 k's on the flatter stretches, even when there's a strong head wind, and the quickest trip was 48 minutes door to door, including stopping for lights.

Fund raising is still going on; I'm just on a third of the way to my target with a couple of months to go.  As I've now paid for the trip all I need to do is raise the remaining part of my target.  If you're reading this and want to contribute, use the Just Giving link on the right.  UK taxpayers can Gift Aid their donations, making your contribution more effective.

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