Saturday, October 11, 2008

Simply barking

Started writing this post before heading off on hols but never had the enthusiasm to finish it. Decided to whirl away and see where this takes me; there's no agenda here, just what they call in writing books "stream of consciousness". One great thing about the internet these days is that browsers come replete with spell checkers. This is good for someone like me who can't remember how to write words out properly anymore, or take the time to bother looking them up to check for both spelling and meaning. It does mean that writers become lazier and perhaps don't take the time that's needed to vet their work.

One blog I particularly like is Editorial Anonymous; sharp, witty and sometimes plain honest, it tells the story of one editor's fight with the would-be hoards of writers out there, all who have the one-good-story story in their fight for publication. The one I've highlighted quite tickles me; it tells the story of human nature. We all want to say we're connected to someone important. That our father's second cousin twice removed who hitched a ride to NY on a tramp steamer is now the 2IC (second in charge) of a major hotel chain. Translated, that might mean they're responsible for the night shift in a youth hostel and as there are only two staff members they are technically correct in that statement. So we claim to be connected to people. I've met Mick Jones from The Clash and he's a lovely bloke. It's unlikely that we'll meet again and I don't think I did much to change his life.

This week I'm feeling supremely happy. Over the last twelve months I've felt totally crap. As in can't get out of bed, can't sleep properly at night, struggle to stay awake at work, no energy and just general malaise. Two weeks ago I stopped eating bread and drinking beer. I still enjoy wine but I've totally cut all yeast based foods from my diet. The results are astonishing to me. I'm full of energy. Tonight I've cycled 22km to get home from work and am just bursting with happiness to the point that this blog may roll on and on. I can't believe how much of a difference it makes being and feeling fit and healthy. Long may it roll on. Next I'll be filling out list of things to do and actually doing them.

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